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Wondering If There’s Enough Left to Save in Your Relationship? Take the Proven Path to Restoration After Infidelity

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Take a Deep Breath. You Do NOT Have to Live in a Cloud of Fear, Confusion, and Anger in the Aftermath of an Affair.

Restore is a 10-part video series designed to walk you through the process of recovering from sexual betrayal and broken trust in your relationship.

There are a few things you need to know:

  1. You are not alone. Infidelity occurs more often than any of us would like to believe, but the great news is that damaged relationships can be mended and built up even stronger.

  2. Recovering from infidelity doesn’t always mean you and your partner will stay together — but it does mean that you can re-establish mutual respect and trust, which is especially important if you have kids and will continue to be present in their lives.

  3. You do not have to stay entrenched in pain and live under the shadow of “what happened.” You can find freedom, re-open the lines of communication, and find peace through forgiveness.

And one more thing… you should not walk this path on your own.

You and your partner are too close to the situation to be able to reach the level of recovery you need without the help of a guide. Restore is the perfect option for many couples, providing structure, encouragement, and seasoned coaching to get you to the other side. It will be painful at first, but you will love where you end up!

Dave Carder

My name is Dave Carder, LMFT, and I serve in Fullerton, California. My wife Ronnie and I have been married for 50 years, and we have four adult children and eight grandchildren. As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I specialize in the area of adultery recovery and prevention. Because of this, I’ve made appearances as a subject matter expert on The Oprah Network, Discovery Health, and The Learning Channel. I’m also the co-author of Torn Asunder: Recovering from an Extramarital Affair, and I’ve done training for the US Army (Family Life Educators, Chaplains College, pre-deployment training-Ft. Bragg), and the US Navy (Social Workers/MSW, Adultery Recovery).

After spending 35+ years working with couples around the world who are dealing with the pain and consequences of infidelity, I’m here to tell you that there is definitely hope for you. 

You can clear the air, re-establish transparency and trust, and ultimately restore your relationship if you choose. 

And I’d like to show you how.

Restore: Your Journey to Recovery in 10 Powerful Sessions

While emotions may be running high right now, this is not the time to make knee-jerk reactions with life-changing consequences. In just 10 sessions, you will find yourself in an entirely different place. The goal is to help you restore respect and trust for your partner so that your children never pay for their parents’ pain.

Through Restore, you will have the tools, clear direction, and exercises to stabilize your relationship so that you can make wise decisions that are supportive of your children and your possible future together. 

PLEASE NOTE: You can still benefit from the Restore program if your spouse won’t join you. What matters right now is not that your spouse cooperates, but that you find healing from the challenges you’ve endured.

What You'll Learn from Restore.

We’ve developed Restore to help you make progress along a defined path to transformation. Here’s a snapshot of what you will learn over the course of this program to get from a place of hurt to a place of healing:

Lesson #1

Individual, Biographical Stories that set you up for betrayal

You will understand the context of what brought you here, including the individual biographical stories that set you up for betrayal.

Lesson #2

Your Family of Origin Contributions to this trauma

You’ll uncover the family of origin contributions to this trauma.

Lesson #3

The Marital Dance that you developed over time that was unsatisfactory

This is where you’ll recognize the unsatisfactory “marital dance” that developed over time and the implications of changing this dance with your partner.

Lesson #4

A two-tiered, Structured Forgiveness Exercise built on your personal orientation

At this point, you will engage in a two-tiered, structured forgiveness exercise built on your personal orientation.

Lesson #5

Rules and Practices necessary for the restoration of respect and trust

You will start to learn the key rules and practices that are necessary for the restoration of respect and trust in your relationship.

Lesson #6

Amazing Re-Attachment Exercises

You will participate in re-attachment exercises that will bring safety back into your relationship.

Lesson #7

Family of Origin practices that predisposed our marriage to infidelity

After engaging in the prior lessons, you will re-examine the family of origin practices that predisposed your marriage to infidelity.

Lesson #8

Marital patterns that set our marriage on a course for betrayal and failure

You will have an opportunity to investigate the unhealthy marital patterns that set your relationship on course for failure and betrayal.

Lesson #9

Circumstances that triggered the infidelity

You will find out what circumstances triggered the infidelity itself and understand what happened within the context of all that you’ve learned up to this point.

Lesson #10

Things I have learned and changes I have made

Finally, you will reach the end of the course able to assess important things you’ve learned and the changes you’ve made.

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“When the roof caved in and the bottom fell out of our marriage because of my infidelity, Dave Carder provided a lamp in our darkest hours. Dave offered hope when none existed. He helped me face the truth of my addiction and guided us through the process of recovery. He also provided resources to help rebuild our lives and marriage. It takes faith, love, perseverance, and guidance to heal. Dave provided the path and we followed the steps to save our marriage and our family.”

Husband & Wife, early 40’s

Bonus: Receive the Torn Asunder Book & Workbook

As a bonus with your enrollment, you’ll receive Dave Carder’s e-book Torn Asunder along with the e-workbook and be able to walk through these materials as you participate in the Restore program. These life-changing resources will provide a solid framework for you both today and for years to come!

“I’ve referred Torn Asunder to hundreds of men and women. Without exception, people have told me that this book was a significant part of their healing process.”

– Gary J. Oliver, ThM, Ph.D., executive director of The Center for Relationship Enrichment

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“Torn Asunder has been the biggest blessing of my life! I was getting nowhere after years of counseling, meeting with pastors, and church support groups. It was by chance that I heard Dave Carder on the radio, and it was the first time I heard someone relate to me, as a victim of an affair. Torn Asunder will guide you through a step by step progression toward healing, and help you answer the big questions: Can I ever forgive my spouse? Should I continue my marriage? The most important aspect of Torn Asunder was learning to forgive my spouse’s affair. For me, it’s like a switch turned on during a counseling session; instantly being relieved of my anger, and experiencing peace with myself and spouse.”

Husband in his 50’s

Are you ready to enroll in RESTORE?



  • 10 Video Lessons
  • Torn Asunder Digital Workbook
  • Torn Asunder Digital Book

What Would It Be Like to Get Free from the Anguish and Truly Experience the Power of Restoration?

Over the last 35 years, hundreds of couples have proven what is effective, efficient, and necessary to recover from sexual betrayal. This program is built from their experiences. Restore is not just going to take you back to where you were — that didn’t work. Rather, it is designed to take you to the relationship you have always wanted.


So ask yourself this:

  • What would it be like to have the opportunity to put your relationship back together in a fashion that is mutually satisfying to both of you?
  • How would it feel to have the best immunity and protection possible so that neither of you will ever have to go through this again?
  • What would it be like if your children got to see that the two of you gave this effort “your best shot,” and modeled tenacity in fixing something broken?

Starting today, you can have a compass and a guide to walk you through and out of the chaos. Restore will become your personal trainer and you will start to experience the changes within the first couple of videos.

If you’re willing to invest in this, pay attention, and do the work, you can realize incredible personal change and experience the mutually beneficial re-establishment of your relationship.

You Can Always Choose to Stay the Same.

With Restore, you will know where you’re going, how you’re going to get there, and what the outcome will be, much more quickly than you ever thought possible. 

However, you can always choose to stay the same and continue to try to work through things on your own. In fact, if you engage in Restore, it will sometimes be tough and painful, but you will address the issues in a safe environment versus wandering around or staying stuck in limbo. 

Some people prefer wandering because doing the work is hard. But living in confusion and woundedness is much harder! You are not guaranteed more comfort when you choose Restore — at least not at first — but it is almost certain that your life will be better. Your relationship can thrive again. You can feel hopeful again. It’s not a theory — it’s a fact based on the experiences of couples who have already been through this program!

So here’s the deal… You are free to dismiss this opportunity and continue on the path you’ve been on. But let me ask you this one question… how will things ever get better without some serious changes? You can go your own way, or you can save yourself pain and shame that could affect your life for years to come.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

We stand behind the quality of this program and believe that you will be completely satisfied, but we want you to be able to see for yourself. Our 30-day money-back guarantee makes your enrollment in Restore is entirely risk-free.

Join today and see if it lives up to your expectations. If this training is not right for you and your partner, you can contact us within the first 30 days and get a FULL refund — no hassle, no questions asked.

“In the hardest time of our lives, Dave Carder was the voice of wisdom, intention, and hope. He is unbelievably skilled and experienced in bringing light to what is dark and his course helped us navigate the difficult conversations necessary to build a new foundation for our marriage. In every way, our marriage is better than it has ever been. There are still difficult days and hard conversations, but I cannot believe where we are just 18 months later.”

Husband & Wife, late 30’s


“As a couple, we were desperate for someone to guide us through to a healthy marriage. Dave led us through Torn Asunder, providing unimaginable tools in such an order that it amazed us how much we learned about ourselves and how our marriage needed to change. And then we were given tools to rebuild what we had broken. We are very grateful for the Torn Asunder materials, and it’s obvious wisdom that produces growth in the individual and in the marriage.”

Pastor & wife, early 30's